Hairy Caterpillar
following experiment is a fun and easy way to see the
effects of germination and the quick growth of
Plants For Kids
Bringing the science of plants to the classroom.
are the materials needed for the creation of your very own
-All purpose
potting soil
-Nylon stocking
-Any quick growing grass seed
-Large bowl
-Paper cup (or any small container that you can cut with
-Colorful elastic pony tail holders or colored rubber bands
-Pipe cleaner
-Two trash bag ties
-Large google eyes (2)
-Small pom poms (2)
-Plastic bag
-Plate or shallow tray
In a large bowl,
mix about 4 cups of soilwith 4 spoons of grass
Cut the bottom out of a paper cup or small container to
create a funnel
Pour a little less
than a cup of the soil/seed mixture into the
Slide a ponytail
holder or rubber band over the end of the stocking to
section it off a portion of soil.
Repeat until
you have 5 colorful caterpillar segments. ie the end
of the stocking into a knot and cut off any extra
nylon remaining (this will be the nose).
Soak the
caterpillar in water for 10 minutes then allow to sit in a
plastic bag overnight
Remove the bag. To create the eyes stick two trash bag ties
in the front of the stocking above the nose. Glue one
google eye on the end of each trash tie.
To create the
antennae, cut one pipe cleaner in half and glue one pom pom
on the end of each half (or curl the pipe cleaner into a
crazy shape). Stick each antenna into the stocking behind
the eyes of the caterpillar. You can also use the pipe
cleaners as legs for your caterpillar.
Place your
caterpillar on a plate or tray near a sunny window and
water thoroughly every other day.
In 4 to 5 days your
caterpillar will begin to grow
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